When in Intermaquinas we receive the alert of a new order, first we make sure that the payment has been made correctly (PAYMENT METHODS) then we proceed to check if the product is in stock to send it as soon as possible, otherwise, if there has been a breakage of stock, the customer will be informed promptly of this inconvenience and may choose from the following options to continue with the order.

-Wait for the established delivery date.

-Choose an alternative product with the same characteristics.

-Immediate refund of the money.

*The product/s purchased may undergo non-substantial modifications in the components, characteristics or features as long as they do not detract from the qualities and features advertised at the time of purchase.

*If the customer decides to cancel the order before the delivery time stipulated on our website and the product is in the hands of the transport agency, will be deducted from the amount paid the shipping costs that have been generated until that time.

*In shipments to the Canary Islands customs charges (both import and export) will be borne by the end customer.


The delivery times indicated by Intermaquinas, a subsidiary of Spainlex Global Center SL, will be from 3 to 14 days.

The order will be delivered to the address designated by the customer in the purchase process. Subsequent modification of the information may involve additional costs on the selling price and especially on the price of transport.

The order will be delivered at the main entrance of the place indicated by the customer and an identity check will be carried out in order to collect the goods.

In the case of an error in the goods, as well as damage caused by transport, the customer must promptly inform the carrier and in any case return the package. On the other hand, the customer must inform Intermaquinas of what happened through the incident contact form or phone call to 964 47 35 04.


In accordance with the provisions of art. 44 of Law 7/1996, of January 15, 1996 on the Regulation of Retail Trade, the client will have the right to revoke the requested order within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the same, prior communication to Intermaquinas, a subsidiary of SPAINLEX GLOBAL CENTER S.L .

The exchange or return of those products that are not in the same condition in which they were received, for example if they have been installed and used by the customer or returned without the original factory packaging, will not be accepted. If this is not the case, the product will suffer a depreciation depending on the return policies of the supplier, brand or manufacturer. Also those goods that are returned incomplete both in its main elements and accessories.

Only complete machines will be accepted for return. We do not accept returns of accessories or spare parts

Once you have received the item and after examining it, we will inform you if you are entitled to a refund of the amounts paid for the item(s) purchased. In the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, the client will be required to pay the return costs, and SPAINLEX GLOBAL CENTER S.L. will be obliged to refund the amount paid for the purchase, including the cost of the first shipment.

*In the case of a request to return a product that has been sent to the Balearic or Canary Islands, the cost of transport will be deducted from the payment received by the client.

*If the customer decides to cancel the order before the delivery time stipulated on our website and the product is in the hands of the transport agency, the shipping costs that have been generated up to that moment will be deducted from the amount paid.

Important notice

The reimbursement of the order will be paid in the same payment method with which the order was placed.

The refund will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 14 working days from the date on which you notified us of your intention to withdraw.

Important Notice

We advise customers who choose the financing method of payment to call us to confirm the stock of the item, because if we are unable to deliver the material, once the financing contract has been signed, the money will be refunded according to the rules of the financing company.

To proceed to a refund please contact us [email protected]