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Fiberglass ladders

Fiberglass stairs - Intermaquinas

what are fiberglass ladders?

Fiberglass ladders are a type of structure designed to facilitate access to different heights in domestic, industrial or commercial environments. These ladders are made of reinforced fiberglass, which gives them special characteristics of resistance and durability. They are composed of rungs and stringers made of the same material, thanks to which they have a high mechanical and electrical resistance.

There are a number of important characteristics to take into account when choosing a staircase, and we would like to explain these characteristics so that you can choose the right one for you Intermaquinas we want to explain these characteristics so that you can choose the staircase that suits you best.

  • Durability and resistance: The resistance to weathering and chemical products of the fiberglass used in this type of ladders is higher than other materials such as aluminum or wood, in addition to being resistant to traction and impacts.
  • Electrical safety: These types of ladders function as electrical insulators, which makes them the ideal type of ladders to use in any environment where there is a risk of contact with any type of electricity.
  • Stability: The design of these ladders is with wide stringers and rungs to provide a more stable and safer base for the user. They can even have additional reinforcements.
  • Load capacity: Fiberglass ladders have a maximum load capacity that they can support, so it is important to choose ladders suitable for the maximum weight required in each case.
  • Portability: Fiberglass ladders are quite light and easy to transport, which facilitates their mobility and use in different places.
  • Maintenance: since they do not rust or corrode, fiberglass ladders are extremely easy to maintain. They only need regular cleaning.

At Intermaquinas we have a wide catalog of fiberglass ladders for all types of needs. If you have any questions, our consultants will be happy to give you a hand without obligation.

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