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€255.00 - €270.00


Cleaning booths

Cleaning booths offer - Intermaquinas

Cleaning booths

Cleaning booths are enclosed structures designed for cleaning, degreasing or blasting operations of parts or components. This type of booths provide a controlled and safe environment where the cleaning process is carried out, thus avoiding the possible dispersion of particles and protecting the worker from possible damage.

At Intermaquinas we want to help with this small informative guide to understand what are the main characteristics of this type of machines as well as their use so that you can decide which one is the most suitable for you.

  • Closed design: The design of the cleaning cabins is closed, with walls and roof, which helps to contain and control the particles and dust generated during the cleaning work thus avoiding the dispersion of particles in the air.
  • Filtration system: These types of booths must be equipped with filtration systems that capture and retain particles and dust to maintain air quality in the booth and thus reduce operator exposure to harmful particles.
  • Fume extraction system: Some cleaning booths may be equipped with fume extraction systems to help remove fumes and gases generated during cleaning.
  • Different work surfaces and supports: Cleaning booths have suitable work surfaces and supports for positioning and handling the parts to be cleaned. Surfaces are usually adjustable in height and angle.
  • Lighting level: Adequate lighting is important to ensure good visibility in the cleaning process to facilitate inspection and detailed work on parts.
  • Access and doors: Cleaning booths have access doors that allow the operator to enter and exit safely. These doors also have hermetic closing systems to prevent leaks.
  • Safety: There are cabins that have different safety systems, such as safety switches and emergency shutdown systems.

From Intermaquinas we want to put at your disposal our wide catalog with the best brands together with our team of experts that will be able to solve any doubt you may have in this regard. Call us!

There is 1 product.

Showing 1-1 of 1 item(s)
Cleaning booths Cleaning booths
  • -4%

Pressure cleaning booth Metal Works CAT340 150 L

  • Min. / max. capacity : 70 l. / 83 l.
  • Total capacity : 150 l.
  • Dimensions : 1.130 x 540 x 900 mm
  • Power/Voltage : 45 W / 220 V
€262.99 Regular price €273.94 Price excl. VAT
€262.99 VAT incl.