
Livestock machinery for sale - Intermaquinas

Get the best machines for Livestock

In this category you will find a compilation of the best machines for the livestock sector. From Intermaquinas we always seek to offer the customer machines with a good quality/price ratio.

We have specific machinery for various sectors of the sector. Here is a brief explanation of some of the products you can find:

Poultry removers serve to avoid the accumulation of dirt and humidity, reduce the transmission of diseases between animals. This is achieved thanks to the fact that the remover picks, aerates and decompacts the poultry litter without harming the birds. The remover is easy to use and will perform maintenance in just a few minutes.

Ganadería Removedores avícolas
Ganadería Pastores Eléctricos

Electric grazers are used to delimit an area and keep the animals grazing within it without worrying about them getting out. The way in which this is done is by placing some wires in the area to be delimited and making a small electric current pass through these wires so that when the animal touches them, they receive a small shock. This shock is harmless to the animal and will make it not want to go near the wires again.

A cereal sheller is a type of machine used to separate cereal grains from the stalks and ears. It performs this function by friction or constant beating of the stalks. It is a very useful tool in livestock farming since it is the most efficient way to obtain the grain to be used later as feed.

Ganadería Desgranadora de cereales
Ganadería Ventiladores para granjas

Farm fans are large machines that are used to provide constant air circulation in the spaces where livestock are housed. This serves to improve air quality, reduce humidity, odors and excessive heat in the environment, which is essential to prevent disease and improve animal welfare on farms.

Cereal mills are machines used to grind cereal grains into flour or various ground products. They can be powered manually, by electricity or by an internal combustion engine. Their function is to process the grains to turn them into feed or feed for livestock, facilitating their digestion and making better use of their nutritional level.

Ganadería Molinos de cereales

From Intermaquinas we are proud to be able to maintain our wide catalog of livestock products always at the best price in the market. In case you have any doubt, our team of experts will be able to advise you free of charge, do not hesitate to contact us!

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