Vibratory Plate Compactors
Vibrating plate compactors are tools used to compact the work surface and construction materials. They are composed of a vibrating plate that moves up and down creating vibrations that help compact the soil. Its use is as much as road construction, foundation construction, etc....
The vibrating plate is an indispensable tool for the construction since it provides a compaction of the ground to work on it, there are 3 types of vibrating plates according to their power:

Light vibrating pans
These compacting vibrating plates normally operate at high frequencies and low amplitudes ideal for the compaction of sand, gravel, ditches, etc.... They are also very useful for the treatment of asphalt soils. They are usually electric or gasoline powered, with a frequency of 80 to 100 Hz and 2 and 5 HP motors
Medium vibrating plates
These compacting vibrating plates are ideal for semi-cohesive soils due to their weight and higher amplitudes, ideal for soils and asphalts with a vibration frequency of 50 to 70 Hz and motors of 5 to 10 HP
Heavy vibratory plates
These vibrating compactor trays are suitable for the most demanding jobs with much denser materials such as airport bases, roads, etc... they usually have a vibration frequency of 30 to 50 Hz, with motors from 10 to 20 hp
In Intermaquinas you can find the best vibrating compactor trays for your needs, at the best prices and quality with the best brands in the market.
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